Monday, August 09, 2010

Food, Glorious Food...

We are encountering resistance at supper time. Lots and lots of resistance. It's particularly frustrating because as babies, I always prided myself on the fact that my children were such great eaters. I took so much time to seek out recipes for home made baby food, cooked more than I ever had, and pureed everything. I served things like "Pork with Prunes and Apples", "Chicken with Red Pepper and Corn" and "Pumpkin and Chickpea Stew". And they ate it! They couldn't get enough of those little cubes of organic goodness that I prepared, froze and then defrosted for them. It never occurred to me that we would be here, several months and years later, in the land of peanut butter and kraft dinner.

Jack refuses to eat meat. Flat out refuses. I have tried sneaking it into things, but what can I say? The kid knows his food groups. I have spoken with our doctor about it and she isn't concerned- her theory is that as long as we continue to provide him with healthy choices, he will eat what he needs. Eventually. Rory isn't quite as picky, but I can see him watching his older brother and deciding that maybe he doesn't want those carrots afterall, thank you very much.

For the most part, we have tried to not make a big deal about it. We have followed the doctor's advice and offered healthy options. But kids can't live on peanut butter, whole wheat bread, hummus, KD and yoghurt alone, can they?

Tonight we came to an impass. We were eating what we thought was a pretty good supper. Pork roast, roasted potatoes and corn on the cob, entirely done on the BBQ. We thought Jack should *try* it. Just to taste. Just take one thank you bite, and then we'll give you your PB & J. Please. Please Jack. Try it. You might like it. How do you know you don't like it? But how do you know? But you've never tried it. But you knew you would like marshmallows before you tried them, so maybe this is the same! Please Jack. Please.

That was at 5:45 pm. Since then, Rory has gone to bed, we have finished dinner, tidied up our dishes, and retired to the living room.

Jack is still sitting at the table, and it is 7:00 pm.

Kids are hard.

1 comment:

Sam and Lucy's mum said...

I remember my parents threatening that if I didn't eat what was cooked for dinner I would have to eat it cold for breakfast. Not a great strategy, I'll admit.

Thanks for your foodie advice lately. You've inspired me to post on this topic as well!