Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Where the birds are...

There are an insane amount of geese across the street from our house right now. This picture doesn't do it justice, but I had to post something. It's something out of a Hitchcock film.
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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

We have had a great Easter Sunday so far! Ben's mom came down for the weekend and Jack has been having lots of fun with his Granny.

Jack woke up this morning to discover that a very sneaky bunny had come during the night and hid all kinds of surprises around the house. We had been talking with him lots about Easter, and that a bunny would be coming and hiding eggs. I realized that he perhaps didn't quite understand the concept when I overheard him telling Ben that a rabbit was coming to our house and that he was bringing groceries. I guess he just figured that some random bunny was coming over and that he'd stop at the store for eggs on the way... considerate guy, that bunny!

Grandma, Grandpa and Auntie Sarah came over for brunch, and brought some Easter surprises for Jack!

Monday, April 06, 2009

Bedrest, shmedrest.
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Jack had fun helping Daddy put the crib together for his new baby brother!
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Trying out the virtual snowmobile.
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"Luke Skywalker" in the space exhibit at the Canadian Museum of Science and Technology.
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Jack is going through a 'serious' photo phase... He's always laughing and giggling, but as soon as you get the camera out, it's stern looks and serious expressions.
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