Saturday, November 05, 2011

Update on Rory

Rory had his surgery yesterday.  Not a big deal- that's the line the ENT gave me. And walking around CHEO, I felt guilty in my worrying- and I did worry. This whole week has been stressful. Although walking past the neonatal intensive care unit, the cardiology and oncology units... we are fortunate that our kids have been as healthy as they have.

Rory has had so many troubles with ear infections so the specialist decided it was time for tubes in his ears. The procedure itself is no big deal, but they had to put him under general anesthetic- which was traumatic for him (and for me!).  He really hated the feeling of coming out of the general anesthetic though, and cried for a full hour and a half after waking up. That part was horrible. He was not himself at all and was inconsolable.  He settled down pretty much as soon as we started driving home, though. He was beside himself one minute and then the next thing we knew, he said "I all better now" and has been doing great ever since! I think he was just overwhelmed and confused with the whole situation but was fine when we got back to familiar surroundings.

He's such a trooper.