Sunday, January 29, 2012

Jack's Lego Party!

These are little Lego guy crayons. We gave these out as party favours.

The Lego Cake!

Lego parties are pretty straightforward... Primary colours, throw in some green accents, and you're good to go! (The "Superkid popcorn from Kernels made for fun centrepieces, and played right in to the colour scheme.)

Lego bags- just some plain solid coloured giftbags, with circles of the same paper cut out and glued on in a lego pattern.

The birthday brother!

We had some friends from Jack's kindergarten class over to play. "The Lego Guy" came and did a workshop with the boys, teaching them about the structural engineering side of lego!

Testing for strength.

Lego-robot battles!

Pizza lunch with the birthday buddies.

Blowing out the candles.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Jack!

We are celebrating Jack's 5th birthday this weekend! Tomorrow will bring lots of little boys from Jack's kindergarten class over to our house for a Lego party- complete with "The Lego Guy"- someone who does Lego robotics workshops with kids.

Stay tuned for pictures... I'm sure there will be lots of fun ones!

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Christmas is officially over.

I came downstairs and found that Rory had found new employment opportunities for two of the three wisemen.