Sunday, November 29, 2009

Christmas Pictures!

We had some Christmas pictures taken of the boys- let me just say... it is no small feat to get a picture that is good of two kids under 3. Jack is usually pretty good, unless he "tries" to smile, in which case he ends up looking like he's in pain. The trick is to get him laughing about something completely un-photo-related. Rory on the other hand... you end up standing on your head and making silly faces and he *might* decide to give you a brief smile. If you're lucky.

Here are some of the best ones... Season's Greetings!

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Getting ready for Christmas!

Jack and Rory went to see Santa today. Jack couldn't have been happier! (Rory was a little unsure...)

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Saturday, November 07, 2009


I just typed a big long post, and somehow it has been erased. Which is really frustrating. So now I will just write a smaller one with quick re-caps. Things are slowly coming together at the house, but we took some time off to do the things that one does with small children around this time of year. Jack had a great Halloween. (I'm assuming that Rory did as well, but he's a bit less outspoken about these things than his older brother.) This was the first year that he really got into the festivities, and we had such a great time!

Carving out the pumpkin with Daddy. (It took some convincing to get him to reach in and pull out the "goo".)

Getting ready for the big event.

On our front deck with Jack, Rory and our funny pumpkin.

My wild animals.

This picture pretty much speaks for itself.

We went to Stittsville and did some trick or treating with Grandma (who was sporting some crazy hair for the occasion.)

Things continue to be a bit insane at the house, but we are slowly putting everything together. I'm holding off on the pictures until I have some proper "Before" and "After" shots.