Saturday, January 16, 2010

Before and afters....

It has taken me a long time to get the before and afters up, and they may be slow in getting posted because it is taking me a little while to get everything into it's "after" state... but here are the boy's rooms!

This was Jack's room when we initially purchased the house. LOVELY Canada Goose mural, brown smelly carpets... we really had to use alot of vision to get this one to it's after state!

Bye bye Canada Geese! (and yucky carpets too!)

Jack's room now. (post-hardwood, paint, decorating, and lots and lots of love.)

He is pretty pleased with his car and firetruck picture frames.

Jack's messy cubbies (and pretty floor)

Beautiful painting that my sister Sarah did for Jack's room.

And now for Rory's lovely "before" picture... no large scale animals on his walls, but it was still pretty scary in terms of decor...

Rory's room now! (Can you spot the baby?)

Rory's snuggle corner.

More to come soon!

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