Sunday, August 23, 2009

Prehistoric World. And Stuff.

So this summer has been.... well, trying. We'll just call it trying and leave it at that. If you know us, then you know why. If you don't, then you shouldn't be reading this blog.

We decided to take advantage of a beautiful Sunday morning and head to Prehistoric World in Morrisburg. We had been told that it might not be worth the drive, but whoever said that has clearly never been to Prehistoric World with a 2 1/2 year old boy. Possibly the highlight of his life so far.

Jack thought it was pretty neat that he could walk underneath the dinosaurs.

Making friends with a dinosaur just his size.

Rory taking everything in.

This is my favourite picture of the day.

I know this one is blurry, but I had to include it because it completely captures Jack's expression EVERY time we turned the corner and saw a new dinosaur. It was hilarious.

Jack thought it was neat to see the mommy and the baby dinosaur together. Just like us.

He had to stop and kiss every single one.

The Triceratops and the T-Rex.

More kisses.

Seconds before the fall.

Registering the fact that he had fallen.

Total devastation at the fact that he had fallen.

Recovering from the fall.

Back to kissing dinosaurs.

Digging for fossils.

Back home after a busy day. (Rory's not so sure about this whole "field trip" thing.)

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