I'm really looking forward to spending lots of time this summer with the kids. We are heading to Cape Breton, where we have rented a house on the ocean for a week. We are hoping to spend most days exploring different beaches, and we're planning on going whale watching too. Part of me feels like that may end badly (an hour and a half boat ride with the kids...) but who knows when we will get the opportunity again? Then we will be in Ayer's Cliff for another week or so where we will get to play in the pool, hot tub, and beach with Jack and Rory's cousins who are coming to visit from Vancouver!
After we get back, I think we will be starting our kitten search. Sadly, both of our cats (Mugs and Gus) passed away within the last two months (one was 14, the other was 8) and it is the first time in a long time that we are living in a cat-less house. Jack has been quite adamant that we get a new cat (and so have I, if we're being honest...Ben? Less adamant.) Jack has asked, on a number of occasions, "Who will be our cat now?" So after we are back from our holidays, I think it's time to find out. I hope Riley (our 10 year old shepherd / lab mix) is up for it!
I will be posting lots of pictures of our upcoming adventures, so stay tuned!
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