Many of you know that we lost Mugs and Gus, our cats of many years, this past spring. Right from the day that we told Jack that Mugs wasn't coming home, he was asking "Who will be our cats now?"
May we introduce to you the newest of the Britton clan... Finnegan (orange) and Molly (grey)! They are siblings and we are 80% sure that we know their genders. So their names might change. Molly might be a Moe. We'll find out at their check up later in the week.
They are only 7 weeks old, and so we are sloooooowly integrating them into our crazy brood. They are in a little safe room right now, so as not to completely overwhelm them with a busy toddler, a rambunctious preschooler and a 100 lb. german shepherd. Hopefully they will start coming out into the main house later in the week. I'm looking around though and realizing that there are a lot of places for kittens to hide in this house... the last time we had kittens we were in a tiny apartment! Much easier!
They are pretty cute though, eh?
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