Well, my due date has come and gone and still no Jack. I have officially entered my 10th month of pregnancy. Sleep is growing to be a huge challenge (for both Ben and I) and I have become pretty impossible to live with! Insanely uncomfortable 100% of the time, none of my clothes fit anymore (seriously, I have one shirt left that fits!) and impossibly enough, I continue to get bigger!
In my utter and complete boredom, I have been watching a lot of television and came across a National Geographic program called 'In the Womb'. This particular show was about the gestation of a baby elephant. Did you know that elephants are pregnant for 22 months? I can't even imagine. And elephant babies weigh approx. 265 lbs at birth, which made me feel a bit better about my potential 9 pounder. It is incredible how maternal and protective the mother elephants are- you would think there would be some serious resentment issues.
Anyway, this is likely to be my last post until the big announcement because surely it's all going to get started soon. Although, maybe he'll just hang in there until Kindergarten. Perish the thought.
we keep checking in!!
(more from us anon)
hang in there...
(that'd be the French ones...)
Smart kid! Why leave the womb, it's so warm in there and food's piped directly in to your belly!!?
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