I apologize for being a bit slack in 'blogging' over the past while. Truth be told, I have been pretty exhausted lately. The morning sickness (or, more accurately, every waking minute of the day sickness) is starting to subside, which is a welcomed change, but the extreme tiredness lingers on. We are just about finished with the first trimester, so things should be picking up soon. Overall, I can't complain really. I've been finishing up things at work (exams, marking, moving things out of my classroom) and everything wraps up on Tuesday. This week has been busy with prom, graduation, and Safe Grad, but that's all done now, and all that is left is packing! We are currently living amidst a sea of boxes- I have no idea where anything is. We get the U-Haul on Monday, and we should be out of here for good on Wednesday! I'm really looking forward to it.
Earlier this month we went to PEI for our anniversary. We rented a cottage in North Rustico and aside from the fact that it rained a lot and I was kind of nauseated the whole trip, we had a good time. Here are some pics...

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