It occurs to me, as I continue to update this blog, that the very act of posting my thoughts online is a kind of narcisism. The presumption that anyone would take time to read this- my random thoughts, the day to day stuff that makes up my life- I suppose it is somewhat ego-centric. Still, it is fun.
Another indulgence I took today, was that I finally went and used up the rest of my gift certificate that Ahren and Kath gave me to the spa (Avalon) for my birthday. I will not miss much about Fredericton (aside from certain people) when I leave, but man, I will miss that spa. I went with the intent of getting a pedicure -(which I did -"Blushingham Palace" purple/pink colour -the names are as much fun as the colour), but the spa was so quiet today (it is Easter Monday after all) that I ended up getting my brows and my hair done as well. I was so relaxed by the end of it that I forgot to use the gift certificate to pay for it all!
Back to work tomorrow. I don't expect to get much done on Tuesday, as the kids will all be coming down from their chocolate bunny induced sugar-highs, but exams are coming up, so we will have to pick up the pace a bit.
Ben is entering his last week of exams. He has two to write (one on Wednesday, the other on Friday) and then he is finished. For good! It is hard to believe- we have spent so many years thinking and planning about what our lives will be like once we can finally shed the 'student' labelling, and now it is upon us. Money has played such a huge role in our relationship- making sure we can pay rent, having enough for gas, etc.... that it will be surreal to finally be able to exhale a little bit. Not that we will be living large, not by any means. But to have some stability- that will be a welcomed change.
À bientôt-
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