Rory has had an interesting few weeks. He had a really bad virus last week and needed to spend some time at CHEO getting rehydrated. The doctors and nurses were so wonderful with him and we really are so blessed to have such a world class facility in our area. (And it doesn't hurt that Grandpa works there, so Rory gets a little extra attention, I'm sure.)
Rory being distracted by an Elmo video on Daddy's phone. |
He was so brave and even sang some Halloween songs for the nurses as they were putting in his IV.
Here we are a week later, and Rory had his first visit to the dentist!
He is quite the trooper. The dentist told me that Rory was the best 3 year old patient he has ever had! He had a fall a few weeks ago (one too many monkeys jumping on the bed...) and banged his front tooth. We were a bit worried about that, but it turns out these little people are pretty resilient.
What a kid. |