I'm afraid I've been letting the blog slide a bit over the past few weeks. Back to school has been busy, but also really good. I'm teaching grade 10 English this semester, which I absolutely love. I'm also teaching two grade 9 French classes, and all of my students are really great kids. Some more academically inclined than others, but all really nice kids. I'm lucky! I've also started a Glee Club with a friend at work, and that has taken off completely. We had over 70 kids show up for our first practice! It's great to have kids interested in singing again, even if it is only because of a silly tv show...
Jack and Rory are both enjoying being back with their friends at daycare. Jack's vocabulary astounds me at times. He is turning into such a big boy and peppers everyone he meets with questions. He went to the fire station with his daycare and spent the entire time asking questions about all of the different functions of the fire truck. It's very cute. Rory is changing everyday and is now very much a toddler. He took his time learning how to walk (at 15 1/2 months instead of the 10 months that Jack took) but in the last week he has really started moving. He seems very proud of himself and it's such a relief to finally (more or less) be out of the crawling / putting-everything-he finds-on-the-floor-into-his-mouth stage.
Ben is doing well too. Work is very busy, and there are always lots of projects to do around the house, and never enough hours in the day to chainsaw to his heart's content. He has been out mountain biking a few times this fall, and hopefully will get a few more rides in before it gets too cold.
I've been trying to upload a video of Rory walking, but so far, no luck. I'll get Ben to figure it out and post it soon.