Well, week one of operation "back-to-work" is over, and everyone is still standing. It was kind of bittersweet... Rory loved daycare, Jack likes having his brother with him during the day, and I am really fortunate to be teaching some great kids (more or less... grade 9 will forever be grade 9). But the sleepless nights (Rory is still awake far more than I would prefer) and the early mornings, followed by teaching fairly academic subjects and then the rest of the day at home with the kids- it's all a bit of an adjustment. Fortunately exams start mid-June, and then I'm home for the summer with the kids. So there are only a few weeks left to get through. And hopefully by the time September comes around, Rory will be sleeping more than 2 hours a time at night. (Seriously, it's a wonder I am able to formulate complete sentences at this point, let alone teach Romeo and Juliet.)
This morning we went to the Agriculture Museum in Ottawa and saw all of the baby animals and spent some time together outside. It was wonderful.