Sunday, February 10, 2008

Christmas Fun!

We had a great holiday! Ben's brother and his wife and daughter came down and spent Christmas with us, and then we all went to Ayer's Cliff for a week. It was fun to have both babies together for their first Christmas.

Coming out to the tree on Christmas morning to see if Santa brought anything...

Jack and his cousin Mackenzie deep in conversation over dinner.

Pre-Christmas Holiday in Missassauga

First things first, I know. I am a horrible blogger. The thing is, we only have dial-up internet at our house, and it takes FOREVER to upload pictures. Having said that, I sincerely hope that this makes up for all of the months you have missed!

We had a great Christmas. We started off the festivities with a trip to Missassauga to visit with Uncle Grant, Aunt Kaye, Uncle Glenn, Aunt Linda, Aunt Jill, and Grandma. We had a wonderful time and Jack really enjoyed himself!

Jack always has lots of fun when Nana Kaye is around.

Opening presents with Super-Grandma.

Ride 'em cowboy! Wearing Great-Grandpa Jeffrey's hat.