Saturday, May 19, 2007

Tulip Festival

We spent a lovely afternoon at Major Hill Park today, and took in the last weekend of the Tulip Festival. Unfortunately, this coincided with the ever-important game 5 in the playoffs, so we decided to record it and not listen to the radio, and then hopefully we wouldn't know the results until we watched. Yeah right! As soon as the Sens won, Ottawa pretty much went bananas. Cars were honking, people were hanging out of their windows, it was craziness. So we figured that they won. But we didn't know by how much, so Ben and Jack caught up when we got home.

Overall, a pretty terrific Saturday.

Monday, May 07, 2007

3 1/2 months and still no sleep...

Jack is now 3 1/2 months old, and I have yet to sleep longer than 3 hours at night! That's not entirely true. There were 2 nights about a month ago where he slept for 4 hours. Those were good nights. ARG! It's a good thing he's cute! He isn't fussy, just wants to eat a lot. I discussed it with our family doctor and she says that it's normal- he's just going to be super tall so he needs to eat a lot. Lucky me... :0)

We got one of those cute chairs that prop babies up before they can sit on their own. Jack is still a bit wobbly in it, but he is staying upright for longer and longer periods. He has also started laughing recently, which is lots of fun. He laughs mostly when I tickle him, blow rasberries, or when he coughs. He finds coughing to be particularly entertaining.

Possibly we're not quite ready for the chair yet... :0)

Gotta love the faux-hawk...

Hanging out with Dad on Sunday morning.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Playdate with Jack and Nate.

We went over to Robyn and Jon's house on Thursday and Jack and Nate had their second 'play date'... Well, it was more of a Robyn and Jen play date at this point. But I'm sure the kids enjoyed themselves too!

Ben, Jack, Nate and Jon.

Chillin' in the play pen. Jack is very 'touchy feely' as he has recently discovered his hands. So we put Nate facing the other direction to prevent Jack from grabbing onto his hair...

Robyn, Nate, Jen and Jack.