Wow it's been a really long time since I've added anything to this. I think we'll try to be a bit more regular about it now that we are finally starting to get settled. Plus, suddenly I have more time on my hands so it will give me something to do.
Where to start- well, we are still living in Ottawa, and Ben has found a good position with General Dynamics Canada. He will be starting there on October 23rd. I had been teaching, but was having problems with low blood pressure, which caused dizziness, so I'm officially off work. I'm feeling fine though for the most part.
We have been looking at houses, and will hopefully have settled on one by early next week. That will be a huge relief, because at this point I would give just about anything to sleep in my own bed again!
Ben took some pictures on the weekend to document my growing 'bump'. I'm told it will grow astronomically from here, so stay tuned for that. At the moment I feel a bit as though I've swallowed a small animal. Who kicks a lot.